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We can make a difference by working together to ensure that the multicultural perspective is served. Join now!


AMAT Membership

Learn about different types of AMAT membership and the benefits they offer.

You are invited to join the organization dedicated to the advancement of multicultural professionals in the field of transplantation, with a renowned national reputation for crafting and executing quality initiatives that enrich multicultural community engagement. AMAT has evolved into one of the foremost networks for professionals deeply committed to multicultural perspectives in transplantation. Our mission at the Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) is to support our partners in the transplant field as they save and heal lives in our diverse communities.

Associate Membership

  • Access to on-demand webinars
  • Educational offerings tailored for your professional growth
  • Participation in our mentoring program designed to foster meaningful connections and guidance in the field
  • Gain access to the AMAT Member Directory
  • Qualify for discounted conference registration fees
  • Gain access to the members-only section of the website
  • Post a resume and view current position openings in the field of transplantation, and access other valuable resources available only to members
  • Contribute your ideas and experience to the development and implementation of improvements in multicultural approaches to transplantation

Organizational Membership

Available to Organ Procurement Organizations, Tissue and Eye Banks, hospitals, transplant centers, other levels of government, non-profit non-governmental agencies, and universities, AMAT offers unparalleled resources and support to facilitate the successful delivery of services to our members and diverse communities.

Membership Inquiries
Have questions about AMAT membership? Our team is here to help! Contact us at [email protected] for assistance.

As an Organizational member, you have access to:

  • Professional Development: Equips AMAT members with tools to advance their careers, enhance their scope of practice, and stay updated with industry standards.
  • Continuing Education: Earn continuing education units (CEUs) through ongoing webinars and sessions at the annual meeting. Network with veteran multicultural transplantation and OPO professionals.
  • Shared Best Practices: Exchange ideas, insights, and guidance on effective practices for reaching multicultural communities. Access free webinars and receive exclusive digital communiqués and newsletters exploring innovative best practices.
  • Multicultural Committees: Offer advocacy, cultural insight, and approaches ensuring representation of diverse communities in organ, eye, and tissue donation and transplantation. Four multicultural workgroups: Asian/Pacific Islander, African American, Latino, and American Indian.

Interested in learning more about our committees? Click here to explore how they work together to support AMAT members and advance the field of organ donation and transplantation.



Membership Tiers

Join Today

Associate Member Nonprofit

Associate Member For Profit

Tier 1 Nonprofit

Tier 1 For Profit

Tier 2 Nonprofit

Tier 2 For Profit

Tier 3 Nonprofit

Tier 3 For Profit

Tier 4 Nonprofit

Tier 4 For Profit