Rooted in Life (RIL) is a national initiative to increase organ, eye and tissue donation in the Black community. A collaboration between local chapters of The National Pan Hellenic Council (NPHC) and AMAT, Rooted in Life was created by Lifeline of Ohio to bring to life the message of donation within NPHC’s organizations, affectionately referred to as The Divine 9.
African Americans are 3 times more likely to need a lifesaving transplant than any other ethnicity and Rooted in Life and its partner organizations are here to educate and empower.
This immersive multimedia campaign features the stories of Divine 9 members whose lives have been touched by donation to increase awareness and reduce the disparity of organ donation in the Black community. Rooted in Life serves as both an internal campaign within the Divine 9 and as an external campaign to the entire community.
If you or your organization are a member of AMAT and would like to become part of Rooted in Life, sign up as a partner through the link below. After signed up, campaign resources will be made available for download to help spread the word in your communities.